
2017年05月15日 18:00  点击:[]

    春风和煦的一天,我放学骑车回家,手里攥着一个废用的纸团,目光有些迫切地探寻着小路的右侧,没错,我是在为这小小纸团觅一个好的归宿。很快地,不远处隐约闪现着垃圾箱的模样,我加快了速度,右手蓄势待发……“咻”,哎呀,没扔进。我并没有随即停下来,就当我意识到什么,回头的时候,眼前这一幕触动了我:  一位头发斑白的老人,颤巍巍地弯下腰,捡起我的“调皮”,递进了可回收箱口。我思忖良久,为自己的态度自责,更为老人这一弯腰而感动。





green is an attitude

  Good afternoon, everyone. I appreciate the opportunity to make a speech here. Well, the topic of my speech is “green is an attitude”.

  The other day, I rode home from school, holding a ball of paper in my hand and trying to find a dustbin. Of course, I was finding a home for it. Soon, I saw a dustbin in the distance. With the right hand ready, I speed my step. “xiu”, oh, my ! No success! The paper was lying outside the dustbin. I walked on, ignoring the “ball”. However, when I looked back over my shoulder, the scene shocked me. A grey-haired man stopped, picked it up and sent it into the recycling dustbin. I thought for a long time, shamed of myself then moved by the old grandpa.

  What does being green means? It’s just you that put the litter to the place where they should stay. It’s just without hesitation you picked up the waste paper on the ground. For this, I did a research. I threw a ball of paper ten times in our library for several weeks in last term. Sadly, only once was it picked up.

  My dear friends, if we even cannot do this, how can we talk about others?

  All of us are eager to shout “Blue sky, don’t leave us!” All of us are unwilling to wear a mask. However, Haze is necessity with industry developed rapidly. What can we do to protect our land?

Do everything we can do, then realize what we can’t do. When environmental protection taking root in our heart, both the blue sky and the pure land is not far from us!


