
2017年05月15日 18:00  点击:[]









Your choice matters

  My topic today is environmental protection.

  When I google the word‘environment’, the first entry that popped up was ‘environmental pollution’. That got me to think when we human beings begin to place emphasis on the environment. Is it when we realize that the sandstorms might bring an abundance of inconvenience to our daily life? Or, is it when we figure out the terrible diseases that smog would cause? More importantly, is it only these times that wecan remember to protect the fragile environment?

  It’s commonly believed that the seemingly simple logging could actually bring about huge amounts of negative effects. Unfortunately, the Amazon Region has lost at least 17% of its forest cover during the last half century, which would absolutely give rise to unpredictable damage to not only the climate, but also the diversity of species. On top of that, energy crisis, global warming, desertification, those are also the terminologies that most of us are likely to hear or see every single day.

  So, is waiting and feeling a wave of helpless the last thing we can do when facing those serious environmental problems?

  That reminds me of a painting called Untitled, created by Robert Ryman in 1961.What impressed the pubic most is that this minimalism painting is auctioned at 15 million dollars. As a matter of fact, minimalism has become a tendency in recent years since an increasing number of people are attracted by the stress-free and pleasant concept it appealed.

  There is no doubt that learning to let things go is rather important. Don’t purchase things on impulse and don’t ever think storing various products is the only way to gain your happiness and psychological satisfaction.Staring at the white cloud floating on the clear blue sky is our mutual hope. And definitely each of us has the responsibility to do something for the environment, instead of merely thinking of our own comfort. If you are a student, try to cycle to school every other day and indulge yourself in the unique scenery throughout the way. If you are a worker, then try to take public transport, a case in point is subway, getting rid of the annoying daily routine-traffic congestion.

  It is likely that we might lose the chance of living an abundant material life,however,it is not gonna prevent us from living a happy life. Just like the painting Untitled I mentioned above, which is seemed white from a far distance, but when you come closer, you will find a layer of thick pigment that is decorated with the colour of green and blue beyond the original white pigment. That is the most basic environment friendly awareness——no waste.

  When it comes to dealing with environmental pollution,what really matters is to share responsibility. Don't bury your head in the sand. Sometimes it is the integrated force that can play a significant role in making the world a better place to live in. With the involvement and commitment of each individual, major change is bound to be made.


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